the 100 characteristics of a real christian leader - part v: : From the Book of Nehemiah

In the previous parts of this series, we’ve explored the first 60 leadership qualities that Nehemiah exemplified.

As the leader who spearheaded the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, Nehemiah showed incredible strength, perseverance, and obedience to God. His leadership offers us invaluable lessons on what it means to be a real Christian leader. Today, we dive into the next 15 characteristics, helping you understand how to lead with godly conviction, grace, and courage, even when faced with overwhelming challenges.

61. A Real Christian Leader Takes on God-Sized Assignments (Nehemiah 4:19)

Nehemiah didn’t shy away from daunting tasks. He embraced the massive assignment of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, knowing it was a God-given mission.

62. A Real Christian Leader Lives in a State of Readiness, Knowing Both God and Satan are Constantly at Work (Nehemiah 4:20-23)

Nehemiah understood that spiritual warfare is ongoing. He kept himself and his people ready, knowing that both God’s work and the enemy’s attacks are constant.

63. A Real Christian Leader is Aware of the Enemy’s Subtle Attacks (Nehemiah 4:23)

The enemy doesn’t always attack openly. Nehemiah remained vigilant, aware of the enemy’s attempts to undermine the work of God.

64. A Real Christian Leader Gets Angry at the Right Time with the Right Circumstances (Nehemiah 5:6)

Nehemiah’s anger was righteous, directed at injustice and disobedience to God’s will. He got angry for the right reasons, at the right time.

65. A Real Christian Leader Thinks Things Through (Nehemiah 5:7)

Before making decisions, Nehemiah took time to think and pray. He didn’t act impulsively, but carefully considered his actions.

66. A Real Christian Leader Unites, Not Divides (Nehemiah 5:7)

Nehemiah brought people together to accomplish the goal of rebuilding the wall. He focused on unity and cooperation rather than division.

67. A Real Christian Leader Confronts When Necessary (Nehemiah 5:7; 13:11,15)

Though uncomfortable, Nehemiah wasn’t afraid to confront sin and wrongdoing when necessary. He didn’t shy away from the hard conversations.

68. A Real Christian Leader Fears God (Nehemiah 5:9)

Oswald Chambers once said, “The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God you fear nothing else.” Nehemiah’s deep reverence for God gave him boldness.

69. A Real Christian Leader Leads by Grace (Nehemiah 5:6,10)

Nehemiah led with grace, showing kindness, mercy, and understanding toward others, even when they fell short.

70. A Real Christian Leader Doesn’t Allow Negative People to Dictate What He Does or Doesn’t Do (Nehemiah 6:1-3)

Nehemiah didn’t let the negativity and opposition from others influence his decisions. He stayed focused on what God had called him to do.

71. A Real Christian Leader Recognizes that With Greater Adversity, There Must Be Greater Determination (Nehemiah 6:4)

With each challenge, Nehemiah’s resolve grew stronger. He understood that greater adversity required greater determination.

72. A Real Christian Leader Keeps Focused (Nehemiah 6:3)

Nehemiah kept his focus on the mission at hand, refusing to be distracted by lesser things. He knew what God had called him to do and stayed committed.

73. A Real Christian Leader is Consistent (Nehemiah 6:4)

Nehemiah was consistent in his actions and words. He followed through on what he said and didn’t waver.

74. A Real Christian Leader Calls Out Those Who Are Hindering God’s Work or Are In the Wrong (Nehemiah 6:8)

Nehemiah wasn’t afraid to call out those who were trying to hinder the progress of God’s work. He spoke boldly against wrongdoing.

75. A Real Christian Leader Admits When He Has a Need (Nehemiah 6:9)

Nehemiah knew when he needed help and wasn’t afraid to admit it. He relied on God’s strength and the help of others when needed.

God Has Called You to Be a Leader As we continue learning from Nehemiah, remember that God has called you to be a leader. Leadership in the Christian walk requires courage, grace, and determination. Stay tuned for more lessons from Nehemiah in the next blog as we continue exploring the 100 characteristics of a real Christian leader.

Pastor Jay Dennis

Pastor Jay Dennis is the co-founder of Wingman Nation, a Scripture-driven men’s ministry with a mission to help men become better husbands, fathers, and Christ-like leaders. With over 40 years of pastoral experience, including 21 years as Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland, Florida, Pastor Jay brings deep spiritual insight to his ministry. He is also the co-founder of City Central Church in Lakeland. Married to his beloved wife Angie for 41 years, they are proud parents of two children and have three grandchildren.


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