How to Know if You Are Right With God

It's important for us always to be sure we are in God's good graces and right with God. But how do we know if we are right with Him?

Each day, as we get ready for our day, we go through our routine: having our coffee and breakfast, and hopefully, spending some quiet time with God. But then what?When we go out and do our thing at work or wherever our day takes us, that tends to be where the rubber meets the road, reflecting if we are truly right with God as His children.The Bible tells us in 1 John 3:10: "By this, it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother." This chapter outlines three ways we will know if we are truly children of God. I would encourage you to read through that chapter. The main idea is that He will know His children if they are following His commands.So, are we following His commands and living our lives every day in accordance with what God teaches us in His Word? Are we being an example each day for others by reflecting Godly love, praying for each other, never letting foul language come out of our mouths, and truly acting in love always? Putting others' needs above our own and doing everything out of a loving spirit is not easy.Also, are we regularly attending church, worshiping, and praising God, and then practicing what we learn?It's a lot to know and understand, but if we are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will help us to know and truly become children of God.

Each day when you wake up, say to yourself, "Today, I want people to know I am a child of God," and then ask the Holy Spirit to guide and help you.


If Someone You Know and Love is Gay: Part IV


If Someone You Know and Love is Gay: Part III