Embracing Patience: A Biblical Perspective for Modern Men

The world today is so fast-paced that we sometimes feel if we don’t keep up, we will miss something or be left behind. Patience, in this context, does not seem to be acceptable behavior if you want to get ahead.

The Bible addresses patience throughout its pages because God knew, as humans, we would struggle with it. If you really want to know how patient you are, examine your life and see how you typically respond to waiting or to difficult situations. This will give you an indication of just how patient and loving you are.God says patience and being loving go hand in hand. As men, we often want to move quickly to get things done because we are task-oriented and, for the most part, not patient. However, godly men can be loving and patient, but we need to work at it.Guys, trust me on this next comment: there will be times when you will be dealing with situations where your patience will be challenged. So, slow down and ask God to help you see where you need to be patient and loving.Our wives and children need a patient, godly man to show a strong foundation who waits on God to show them the right way. Men, take time with your wives and families to show them that after your relationship with God, they are at the top of your list of importance.God tells us that love, kindness, and patience all go hand in hand. If you are patient throughout your day, you are more likely to show love and kindness to others, thereby shining God’s light through your actions.

I encourage you today to add patience to your prayer list, asking God to help you be more patient and loving each day.


If Someone You Know and Love is Gay: Part III


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