Equipping Yourself with the Armor of God: A Guide for Men

It's no secret that guys are fixers. If there's an issue with our wives or our kids, we want to get to the problem and fix it right away. When we have issues around the house, we are ready to fix things or build a solution to the problem.

However, many of us forge ahead to fix or build things without being prepared, skilled, or knowledgeable enough to take on the problem. We tend to fumble through anyway, thinking we know how to do something, or we google it or find it on YouTube.But when it comes to fixing problems in our lives or trying to build our faith, we need the proper tools, skills, and knowledge. God tells us to put on the full Armor of God to fight the good fight of faith. When we do this, we are fully equipped to fix problems and build things in accordance with God's will.So, how do we begin putting on the Armor of God? I like to think we do it piece by piece as we grow in our faith. Here are some things we can do to start assembling our armor and get ready:

    1. Do a Morning Devotional: Start your day with God's word to set a positive tone.
    2. Pray Regularly: Keep an open line of communication with God.
    3. Find a Good Church and Attend Regularly: Be part of a community that supports and nurtures your faith.
    4. Memorize One Bible Scripture Each Week or Month: Embed God's word in your heart and mind.
    5. Surround Yourself with Other Godly Men: Fellowship with those who share your values.
    6. Attend a Weekly Group Bible Study: Grow deeper in your understanding of the Bible.
    7. Find a Good Godly Mentor: Learn from someone who exemplifies a strong faith.
    8. Be Proud of Being a Godly Man: Stand firm in your identity as a follower of Christ.
    9. Read the Bible Regularly: Let God's word guide your daily life.
    10. Only Let Positive, Encouraging Things Come Out of Your Mouth: Avoid cursing and speak life.
    11. Stand Firm for What is Good and Right Always: Uphold integrity and righteousness.
    12. Do Everything You Do Out of Love: Let love be your motivation in all actions.

Guys, this is a good start to being the best fixers and builders we can be. We can't help it as men; we want to fix things. And God wants to use us to do just that. But to be effective in fixing and building things from God's perspective, we must have the proper tools and be ready.By equipping ourselves with the Armor of God, we ensure that we are prepared for whatever challenges come our way. Let's commit to building our faith and becoming the men God has called us to be.


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