Be Likeable

A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24

If you want to find your other brother and be the other brother you need to be, work on becoming likeable. Likeable means you have characteristics in your actions, attitudes, and words that attract people to you and not push people away from you.


Being likeable doesn’t mean you compromise your convictions to win someone’s approval. You do, however, have to work at being someone people like. It has been said that “Likeability has something to do with how you look, but a lot more to do with how you make people feel.” (Boothman). Make it your mission that when you leave someone, they feel they are better because of having been with you.


How do you become likeable without compromising your biblical convictions? Here are some ideas for you to implement in your daily routine:


Be friendly, be courteous, welcome people, touch people (appropriately), be on time, respect people’s situations, smile a lot, encourage, build up others, show the love of God in tangible ways, and be thoughtful. The common ingredient is that each of these is a choice. As you choose to be likeable, you will draw other brothers to you. As you seek to find your other brother, try these steps and watch how God will work.

From the 31-Day Devotional, “Who Would You Call At 2 AM?” .c


Be Looking for Your Other Brother


The Memory of a Lifetime