The Memory of a Lifetime

The mission of Wingman Nation is to help men be who God created them to be - good husbands, great fathers, and more Christlike examples in their homes and community.For almost 24 years I’ve had the privilege of serving as a leader in ministry to men. For the past 3½ years I've had the honor of serving men through the Wingman Nation Men's Ministry. It's allowed me to be God's hands and feet in working to achieve the mission of Wingman Nation.Helping men grow as disciples of Jesus Christ is extremely rewarding. Watching them put the effort into becoming husbands that their wives cherish and fathers that their children look up to is an emotional journey. It’s a journey I’ve been blessed to lead some awesome men through. It’s a journey I’ve experienced myself, one that changed my life. It’s a journey that results in the lives of those we love being changed because a man was willing to put his trust in Jesus Christ.For me, it’s a gentle reminder of God's plan for our lives. We need to be open to his lead and not get in his way. For me, it’s always been a loud reminder that God blessed me with a patient, loving wife; and three beautiful daughters.Last Sunday our baby girl got married! As her dad, I can honestly say it was one of the most poignant days of my life. Watching her, radiant in her wedding dress, was a moment frozen in time. This isn't my first rodeo! She's the last of three daughters to walk down the aisle.The day itself was a blur of emotions. From the early morning preparations, watching a makeup artist, hair stylists, her sisters, and her mother help her with the final touches, to the quiet moments just before the ceremony when it was just the two of us standing outside the limousine, every minute was significant. I found myself reflecting on her journey, from a spirited little girl with boundless energy to the funny, graceful, confident woman she has become.Standing there, waiting to walk her down the aisle, I felt a mix of overwhelming pride and a bittersweet realization that our little girl was starting a new chapter in her life. It was hard to let go, to hand her over, but seeing the love in her eyes and her partner's reassured me that she was embarking on a beautiful new journey.The ceremony itself was beautiful, a testament to their love and the life they're building together. As I gave her away, I felt a lump in my throat, a physical manifestation of the joy and pain intertwined in that moment. It was an honor to stand there, to witness her vows, to see her so utterly happy and in love.The reception was a celebration not just of their union but of all the people who had come together to support them on their journey. As I looked around at family and friends, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the community that has helped shape her into the person she is today.As the night ended, and I watched her dance, laugh, and celebrate, I realized that while she may no longer be our little girl in the same way, she would always be a part of us. This wedding was not about letting her go; it was about acknowledging the incredible person she has become and the new bonds that are forming.As I reflect on that day, I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of love and pride. She has embarked on a new chapter with a partner who loves her as much as we do, and while our role in her life will evolve, our love for her remains unchanging. It was a day of joy, a celebration of love, and a beautiful beginning to her new life.I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude that God always had a plan for me. This is dedicated to my beautiful wife, who stood by me through dark times and bad decisions, and to my beautiful daughters who put up with my antics over the years. I am still a work in progress!This is also dedicated to a small group of men who loved on me over the past 26 years, even when I was unlovable, and helped lead me into a deeper relationship with Jesus.I'm blessed every day by the opportunity to pay forward what they did for me so many years ago.My life was changed because of Jesus. Yours can be too! If you are walking through a dark season of life, please don't do it alone. Reach out to me via Wingman Nation and let me connect you with some powerful resources that can change your life.


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