You Need Another Brother Who Can Keep a Confidence

"As for you, show kindness to your servant, for you have brought him into a covenant with you before the Lord. If I am guilty, then kill me yourself! Why hand me over to your father?”

“Never!” Jonathan said. “If I had the least inkling that my father was determined to harm you, wouldn’t I tell you?”

1 Samuel 20:8-9

 In searching for your other brother, you need someone who can keep confidential that which you have shared in confidence. You need someone who takes seriously your need to keep things between the two of you.A true friend will never share things that should be kept confidential. Jonathan refused to tell his father Saul where David was hiding. He knew his father would attempt to kill David.Further, we see this confidentiality through a secret plan between David and Jonathan and it remained a secret. First Samuel 20:39 says, “The boy knew nothing about all this; only Jonathan and David knew.” That’s the way it remained. David’s life was at stake, yet he trusted Jonathan implicitly. Pray for another brother who has that qualityBreaking a confidence may not kill a person, but it will definitely kill a relationship. When someone asks you not to tell, then you must not tell. Don’t take matters into your own hands and decide that sharing with someone else may be best for the person who asked you not to tell. That brother has his reasons, so respect those reasons and zip your lips. It’s his to share if he desires, but not yours to share.I remember sharing a confidential matter with someone I thought I could trust and within a few days several people approached me about what I had shared. When asked why he shared it he responded with, “It was better for you that I share it.” Obviously, that did irreparable damage to my friendship with that person. I could no longer trust him.You need to seek out someone you can trust, knowing that whatever you tell him will stay with him. Don’t settle for anything less than that. Your other brother is out there, so don’t give up on finding him.

From the 31-Day Devotional, “Who Would You Call At 2 AM?” .


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