Standing Up for Your Beliefs

In Matthew 5:11-12, Jesus was speaking to his disciples when he said this: “You are blessed when they insult and persecute you and falsely say every kind of evil against you because of Me. Be glad and rejoice, because your reward is great in heaven. For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

Courageous men seem to be in short supply these days. But every once in a while a story of courage comes along that must be shared.

Standing up for your beliefs takes courage, especially when your story is one of modern-day persecution, Government overreach, cancel culture, and woke ideology.

Meet Coach Joe Kennedy

Coach Joe Kennedy, an eighteen-year Marine veteran, was an assistant coach for the Bremerton High School (BHS) varsity football team. Before he even coached his first game, the Marine-turned-football coach made a commitment to God that he would give thanks at the conclusion of each game for what the players had accomplished and for the opportunity to be part of their lives through football.

After the whistle of his very first football game in 2008, Coach Kennedy took a knee and quietly prayed, thanking God for his players. His quiet, private prayers lasted only 15-30 seconds. Coach Kennedy continued this practice after every game for seven years.

In 2015, the school suspended him and eventually fired him–kicking off the legal battle that Coach ultimately won with the Supreme Court siding with him in 2022 in a widely publicized decision. The historic verdict broadened the definition of religious liberty in America and has been described as the most important court case of its type in fifty years.

Coach Kennedy Coming to Lakeland - March 1, 2024

There is plenty more to this story that continues to be told by Coach Joe Kennedy himself. Wingman Nation is excited to have Coach Kennedy deliver the keynote message at the Wingman Nation 15th Annual Golf Tournament on March 1, 2024.

Read Joe's story and join us in March to hear him share it in person..

Read Joe's StoryGet Golf Tournament Details


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