Leaving a Legacy

As a man with a family, it seems that we are often concerned with one question: "What would happen to my family if something happened to me and God took me home earlier than expected?"

Most men constantly think about saving money so they have a financial nest egg or money for their kid's college fund. Looking ahead we feel the necessity of having funds set aside as a legacy that I can leave for the family. These thoughts come to mind often, which is admirable and things we should do.Leaving a financial legacy is important but even more important is a spiritual legacy. What are we doing to ensure our spiritual legacy leaves a lasting impact on our families and friends?If you died tomorrow what would everyone around you think? Would they think that your testimony for God was strong and impacted them greatly? Has it motivated others to get closer to God?Can you honestly say out loud that you feel good about your Godly testimony? Most of us would likely say, "Not really."What can we do to leave a lasting impression, a spiritual legacy to our family and friends around us, while also striving to leave a financial legacy?Here are ten things to do to leave a spiritual legacy :

  1. Be content with what we have while striving for more.
  2. Always be a man of integrity and honor.
  3. Always do the right thing.
  4. Pray and read and learn about God's ways.
  5. Take our families to church.
  6. Be good Godly examples to others.
  7. Make our faith matter.
  8. Teach people around us that Jesus is the only way to heaven.
  9. Set priorities straight… seek God first then wife then kids.
  10. Do everything in Love.

Now go out and make a difference!!


Standing Up for Your Beliefs


Who Would You Call at 2:00 AM?