Who Would You Call at 2:00 AM?

"And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself."1 Samuel 18:3No doubt there are multiple barriers to building the kind of friendship that Jonathan and David possessed. There are obstacles Christian men must admit and address if they are to experience a David/Jonathan connection.Let me ask you, “Who would you call if you had a problem at 2 a.m.?” Do you have that other brother you could count on to be there for you any time of day or night? Who in your life would you consider your best friend outside of your wife? This kind of friendship doesn’t just happen; it requires work and diligence, patience and understanding, time, and most of all, prayer.As we study David and Jonathan's friendship, we discover ways that we can build the same kind of friendship we see in these two men, one where a covenant is made to be there for each other.Consider this: The alternative is to live in loneliness. You must be willing to risk reaching out to other guys. There is only one cure for loneliness and that is relationships. This is the kind of relationship that is experienced beyond what you have with your wife.As we study the relationship between these two godly men, we discover ways we can build the same kind of friendship with another brother.Start praying today for your 2 a.m. other brother. You never know when you will need him. (From the 31 Day Devotional, “Finding Your Other Brother”).


Leaving a Legacy


Are You a Little Foggy Today?