Are You a Little Foggy Today?

When we become out of focus on anything we tend to stray from accomplishments in that area because we don't stay on task. It's like a camera when out of focus - things that are normally clear get blurry.

That can happen to us when we take our focus off God. God's presence with us daily is both a promise and a protection. Keep in mind, as we go about our day there are many distractions, temptations, and pitfalls. However, if we focus on God and keep his ways in the forefront of our day he will keep the camera lenses of life in focus.God's promises are clear, not blurry. He says He will be with us and guide us always to the very end of age! In order for that to happen we need to focus by keeping our eyes and hearts focused on Him.

Pray today that God will help you focus on him and his ways each and every day. Now turn that little focus knob to the God setting on your camera of life and begin taking pictures that are clear and crisp!


Who Would You Call at 2:00 AM?


Finding Your "Other Brother"