The Greatest Sacrifice


John 15:13 (ESV)

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."

This coming weekend, families all over the USA will celebrate Memorial Day and the unofficial beginning of Summer. There will be pool parties, trips to the beach, and barbecues celebrating a day that is too often confused with Veterans Day. Regardless of the confusion, it seems that this holiday weekend has become more about partying and less about reflecting on the immense sacrifice made by so many so that our freedoms would remain intact.Since the Revolutionary War, over 1.2 Million American lives have been lost in battle, including approximately 620,000 on American soil during the Civil War. It's easy to forget but it doesn't change the truth that the ultimate sacrifice was made by so many.There will be plenty of time for celebrating this weekend. There will also be plenty of time for you to reflect on the immense loss we memorialize this holiday weekend. I invite our Wingman Nation family to set aside time to remember and pray the following penned by an unknown author."Gracious God, on this Memorial Day, we pray for those who courageously laid down their lives for the cause of freedom. May the examples of their sacrifice inspire in us the selfless love of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless the families of our fallen troops, and fill their homes and their lives with Your strength and peace."As we remember the friends and family who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, let us also remember the "Greatest Sacrifice" of Jesus Christ for the atoning of our sins giving us the freedom to live as servants of our fellow man and for the glory of the King of Kings.


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