Pray for Your Child's Friends


1 Corinthians 15:33

“Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character.”

From the devotional The Dad Blessing we learn it is vital to pray for your child’s friends. In the midst of the great chapter in 1 Corinthians 15 on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Paul inserts a very practical word of wisdom. Paul is telling the Corinthian believers to not be deceived; don’t be fooled. There are good friends and there are bad friends. Guide your child on how to choose good friends.One of the greatest influences in your child’s life is their friends. Their friends' opinions and advice will, at times, trump your opinion and advice. That’s why you need to help your child know how to choose good friends early. You need to guide this process by setting some ground rules for fun with friends.Here are 5 Ways to Help Your Child Choose Friends
  1. Show your child what the Bible says about friends and the attributes they should possess, such as kindness, integrity, truthfulness, and character.
  2. Warn your child about the kind of person they should stay away from as friends.
  3. Find parents who have children your child’s age, who share your biblical worldview. Encourage those friendships.
  4. Warn your child to never give out personal contact information online to someone he or she doesn’t know.
  5. Tell your child your own experiences about good friends and bad friends.

Dad, pray daily for your child’s friendships.


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