Pray for Your Child's Mate


Matthew 10:13

"Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them."

This is from the devotional, The Dad Blessing. Jesus used the occasion of His blessing to the children to pray for them. The second most important issue you can pray about for your son or daughter is to pray for their future marriage partner. It is the second most important thing you can do for your child, the first being their salvation.Whom they marry will affect everything in their lives. With over 50% of marriages ending in divorce and many who simply move in together without being married, you must take this issue very seriously. Start praying for their mate even while your child is in the womb. If you haven’t done that, then start today. God has someone picked out for your child to marry. In His sovereignty, He can create the moment where they meet each other and develop a relationship that one day leads to marriage.Here are 5 Steps in Praying for Your Child’s Mate
  1. Make it a daily commitment to pray for your child’s future mate.
  2. Talk with your child about what an important decision this is and how it will affect his or her life in every way.
  3. Encourage your child to pray daily about who he or she will one day marry.
  4. Help your child to know what to look for in a marriage partner. Obviously, the person needs to be a growing Christian with a biblical worldview.
  5. Model in your own marriage the kind of marriage you want your child to have. They are watching closely, Dad.

The Greatest Sacrifice


Pray for Your Child's Salvation