Pray for Your Child's Salvation


Matthew 19:13

"Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them."

Wingman, pray for your child’s salvation! Jesus prayed for the children gathered around Him. He called out their names to God the Father. Has your child ever heard you praying for him or her? What an incredible blessing.The first and foremost item you need to be praying for with your child is their salvation, their personal salvation event where, at a time and place, he or she receives Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.The earlier your child comes to Christ, the better. Most people come to Christ before the age of 18, specifically many before age 13. That shows the importance of exposing your child early to the gospel while their hearts are still tender toward the things of God.Each child is unique and therefore there is no specific age by which a child understands the need for salvation. Some are ready at 4 or some are ready at 9, depending on the child and how much exposure he or she has had to the gospel.5 Ways to Pray for Your Child’s Salvation
  1. Every day pray that your child would come to faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. Explain to your child why we need salvation and how to be saved.
  3. Use materials from Child Evangelism Fellowship to help you explain the gospel to your child.
  4. Ask your child if he or she knows what it means to be saved. Get them to share in their own words to determine how much they understand.
  5. Expose your child to church and Bible study consistently.

Dad, the salvation of your child rests initially with you. Make sure you are doing your job.


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