Affirm Your Wife


1 Peter 3:7

"Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers."

This is from our book, The Dad Blessing. As a Wingman, you have the amazing opportunity to bless your child.

Dad as part of blessing your child, be sure to affirm your wife in the process. Let your child know how fortunate he or she is to have her as his/her mother. Communicate that you could not do what you do without her and that as you give your blessing, she is also giving her blessing as well. Your child needs to know how much you love and respect your wife and that you two are in total agreement about your child. You both want the very best God has to offer for your child. When you bless your child, your wife is blessing him or her as well. Include her as you bless your child.If your child sees you in any way being disparaging or disrespectful to your wife, that will negate what you are attempting to do to bless your child. Be consistent in your love for her and your affirmation of her to your child.

5 Ways to Affirm Your Wife to Your Child

  1. Let your child know how much you love and admire your wife (his/her mother).
  2. Include your wife when blessing and praying for your child.
  3. Get her insight on blessing your child. She has insight and knowledge that you do not have. Use that in the blessing.
  4. Communicate with your child that you and your wife will always be united in blessing him/her.
  5. Let your child see you serving your wife and treating her with the utmost respect. You are modeling his or her future marriage.

    Remember, Wingman, one of the greatest ways to bless your child is to affirm your wife continuously in front of your children.


    Pray for Your Child's Salvation


    Instilling a Hope-Filled Future