The middle east mess

As I write this article, Iran has just launched an attack on Israel with hundreds of bombs.


Thankfully, due to the excellence of the Israel Defense Forces and support from the United States military, many of those bombs were intercepted and destroyed. Now, Israel must determine its response to Iran’s blatant aggression.

It is both interesting and appalling that the Biden-Harris administration's immediate response is to urge Israel to initiate a ceasefire. Why should Israel not have the right to defend itself? Why is it always Israel that is lectured on the art of self-restraint? Why don’t the Biden-Harris administration and the United Nations direct their anger toward those responsible for these unprovoked attacks? Why does Israel face criticism when they are simply responding in self-defense to protect their homeland from vicious assaults?

The radical Islamic leadership of Iran is determined to destroy Israel, “the little Satan,” and the United States, “the big Satan.” It seems the only solution this current administration offers is appeasement, hoping the radical Islamists will somehow conform and play by the rules. This is foolish thinking. It will not happen. What is being overlooked is the ideology of radical Islam, where death is the ultimate goal—not life. You cannot reason with an ideology that is inherently unreasonable, yet progressives seem to refuse to acknowledge this reality.

As I reflect on end-time events, I see two converging ideologies uniting for a common cause. The phrase, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend," comes to mind. What are these two ideologies? Radical Islam and Communism. While they may seem like strange bedfellows, their shared desire to destroy America is bringing them together in an unlikely alliance.

Yes, God is in control, but we must also recognize that elections have consequences, as we are currently experiencing as a nation. The Bible instructs us to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6). We understand that peace sometimes comes only through strength, not through appeasement of the enemy.

Pray for Israel. Pray for the United States. Register to vote. Research the party platforms, compare them with biblical principles, and vote accordingly. Pray diligently. Share your faith in this season of grace.


Pastor Jay Dennis

Pastor Jay Dennis

Pastor Jay Dennis is the co-founder of Wingman Nation, a Scripture-driven men’s ministry with a mission to help men become better husbands, fathers, and Christ-like leaders. With over 40 years of pastoral experience, including 21 years as Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland, Florida, Pastor Jay brings deep spiritual insight to his ministry. He is also the co-founder of City Central Church in Lakeland. Married to his beloved wife Angie for 41 years, they are proud parents of two children and have three grandchildren.


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