Is It Enough to Say, “God Is in Control” Concerning the Upcoming Election?

As a follower of Jesus for many years and a pastor for 45 years, I wholeheartedly acknowledge that God is sovereign and in control.

“The LORD has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all.” – Psalm 103:19

Yes, God will have the final word, and ultimately, we will win. However, we live in the present, with opportunities to make a difference—if Christians will seize the day.

While God is in control, we must also own our responsibility. As one pastor said, “Just saying ‘God is in control’ and not doing anything to make a difference while we’re here is a cop-out.” I couldn’t agree more. As we proclaim God’s sovereignty, we must also do our part, right where we are. Simply refusing to engage in the upcoming election is not an option for those who truly follow Christ.

A wonderful Christian woman told me a few weeks ago as she left church, “I’m just not going to vote. It’s too much of a mess.” While I understood her frustration, I immediately encouraged her that she must vote—and vote biblically. She agreed.

My concern is that many Christians are relying solely on the phrase, “God is in control no matter what happens in the election.” While this is absolutely true, it shouldn’t excuse us from taking action. What we do as individuals matters.

So, what is our part?

  1. Pray for the election.

  2. Understand the party platforms on issues important to Christians.

  3. Register to vote.
    Over 15 million Christians are not registered—that’s 30% of those who profess faith in Jesus. This must change.

  4. Study the issues and the candidates.
    Review a sample ballot before voting.

  5. Vote from a biblical worldview.
    A biblical worldview cannot support a pro-abortion stance. As a follower of Jesus, I cannot in good conscience support any candidate who is radically pro-abortion.

Finally, acknowledge that God is in control, and trust Him.

While I’m confident in the victory of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, we must use the opportunities God has given us to make an eternal difference in the here and now—in our world.

-Pastor Jay Dennis

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Pastor Jay Dennis

Pastor Jay Dennis is the co-founder of Wingman Nation, a Scripture-driven men’s ministry with a mission to help men become better husbands, fathers, and Christ-like leaders. With over 40 years of pastoral experience, including 21 years as Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland, Florida, Pastor Jay brings deep spiritual insight to his ministry. He is also the co-founder of City Central Church in Lakeland. Married to his beloved wife Angie for 41 years, they are proud parents of two children and have three grandchildren.


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