The 100 Characteristics of a Real Christian Leader - Part II: From the Book of Nehemiah
We are continuing to look at the characteristics of leadership from Nehemiah.
Nehemiah was tasked with the seemingly impossible job of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. He proactively got involved and with the power of God, made a seeming impossibility into a reality. In our last blog we noted the first 10 of these characteristics. Here are more on the 100 Characteristics of a Real Christian Leader:
11. A Real Christian Leader Surrenders to God (Nehemiah 1:6).
Nehemiah placed himself at God’s disposal.
12. A Real Christian Leader Takes Responsibility (Nehemiah 1:6-7).
Leaders resist saying things like “It wasn’t me,” “I didn’t know,” or “It’s not my fault.”
13. A Real Christian Leader Has the Heart of a Servant (Nehemiah 1:6).
Leaders grab a towel and serve others.
14. A Real Christian Leader is Humble (Nehemiah 1:6)
Humility is getting a divorce from your pride and arrogance. Remember “He who gets too big for his own britches will be exposed in the end” (Anonymous).
15. A Real Christian Leader Doesn’t Give Up (Nehemiah 1:6)
There is a holy stubbornness, a stick-to-it-tiveness that refuses to let go when you have a Word from God.
16. A Real Christian Leader can Admit when he is Wrong (Nehemiah 1:6)
Those in authority need to admit when they have messed up, first to God and then to others.
17. A Real Christian Leader is Available to be Used of God (Nehemiah 1:11; 2:5).
He says to God, “Here I am. God, the answer is ‘Yes,’ now fill in the blanks.”
18. A Real Christian Leader is Tactful (Nehemiah 2:3,5,7).
There is a kindness, a gentleness and tenderness in dealing with people. “Tact is the ability to step on a man’s toes without messing up the shine on his shoes” (Harry S. Truman).
19. A Real Christian Leader is Sensitive to the Needs of Others (Nehemiah 2:2).
Leaders are concerned about the feelings, ideas, thoughts, comments, and suggestions of others. He respects their perspective.
20. A Real Christian Leader is a Little Kinder than is Necessary (Nehemiah 2:3,5).
Nehemiah demonstrated great kindness. Kindness is one of the greatest motivators ever and is always remembered.
21. A Real Christian Leader Makes it About Others (Nehemiah 2:3).
The kind of leader we are speaking of is one that is not self-centered, not about serving his own interests.
22. A Real Christian Leader Sees Every Problem as an Opportunity to Pray (Nehemiah 2:3-5, 4-9; 6:9).
Every attack, every problem, every piece of bad news. Every set back, every knockdown is seen as an invitation to invite an omnipotent God to intervene!