The 100 Characteristics of a Real Christian Leader - Part I: From the Book of Nehemiah

One of the greatest leaders in history is Nehemiah. He was a man in authority and he teaches us what that looks like from a godly perspective. He was cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, a position of great honor, respect, and trust. He was close to the king. His relationships with the King created the power, provision, and presence to accomplish the seemingly impossible.Life was good for Nehemiah. He truly lived in the comfort zone. However, he was a layman who had a heart for God and a willingness to listen to God’s voice and say, “Yes” to God even before he knew what God wanted him to do.On an ordinary day, God showed up and presented Nehemiah the opportunity to change things, to make a difference for God in the world. God often speaks on ordinary days, in unplanned ways.Nehemiah discovered that the wall of Jerusalem continued to be in ruins. Many knew about it and knew something needed to happen, but they had gotten used to the problem. They could have easily said, “We tried this before and it didn’t’ work” (Ezra 4). The Jews had been back for almost 100 years from captivity, but things hadn’t changed. Without the walls and gates, the city was vulnerable, unprotected; plus, God’s reputation was at stake. That’s where Nehemiah steps up. That’s when a real leader emerges, during difficult times and seemingly impossible situation.For the next several blogs we want to focus on the responsibilities, the leadership qualities, of those in authority. What does a real godly leader look like?Leadership is influencing people toward the will of God, serving them, empowering them, motivating them, equipping them, and releasing them to accomplish a God-given vision. Nehemiah shows us practically how to lead in any situation. Vance Havner said, “A leader is a person with a magnet in his heart and a compass in his head.” John Maxwell said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

  1. A Real Christian Leader Asks Questions

Nehemiah 1:2A leader inquires, gets informed, he is curious, he isn’t afraid to ask, “What, when, where, why and how?” 

  1. A Real Christian Leader Refuses to Accept the Status Quo

Nehemiah 1:3Nehemiah saw the way things had been for years, and no one had done anything about it. He said, “Enough, I will do something about it.” He doesn’t accept, “That’s just the qway things are,” or “That’s just the way he or she is.”

  1. A Real Christian Leader Realizes that Bad News Sometimes has to be Received

Nehemiah 1:3 - A leader doesn’t deny it, run from it, or play it down. He receives it, prays about it, and cries out to God for the next move.

  1. A Real Christian Leader Pushes Pause to Hear from God

Nehemiah 1:4He gets still before God, away from the noise, away from technology, away from the media, away from everyone else’s opinions and focuses on listening to only one voice—God’s.

  1. A Real Christian Leader knows that Satan Will Attack form Without

Nehemiah 1:3; 7-8The more precious you are to God, the more important you are to Satan. He knows that Satan will bring external pressures, temptations, trials and problem people to attempt to thward God’s work.

  1. A Real Christian Leader will have Times of Fasting

Nehemiah 1Fasting changes things. Nehemiah knew it. When you go without food in order to seek God more intently, to cry out to God more passionately, things will happen.

  1. A Real Christian Leader Worships God

Nehemiah 1:5He pauses to praise God. He realizes that praising God, worshiping God, changes perspective, gives power, puts Satan on the run, and announces the victory before the victory comes.“A Christian should be one hallelujah from head to foot” (Augustine).

  1. A Real Christian Leader Stands on What God Said.

Nehemiah 1:5Nehemiah stood on God’s Word. He claimed God’s promise. When you meet God’s conditions you can be sure God will keep His Word to you.

  1. A Real Christian Leader Loves God

Nehemiah 1:5Loving God is a commitment willing to do anything, go anywhere, at any time for God continually, Yes, you feel it; but before you feel it you choose it. 

  1. A Real Christian Leader is Obedient to Everything God Commands

Nehemiah 1:5It is total, unquestioned, “Yes” to God with actions and attitudes.

Begin to apply these leadership principles today. More in our next blog.


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