Leaving a Heaven Scent

For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

2 Corinthians 2:15

We should be making a God impression everywhere we go. A “God impression” is an influence you leave with people that reminds them that there is a God and He is real and He loves them.As a follower of Jesus and as you walk in God’s will, spending time daily in His presence, the scent of heaven gets on you. Paul said we are a fragrance, an aroma of Christ. I like to think of it as “Heaven Scent.” A fragrance is something sweet smelling, pleasant to the senses. When followers of Jesus are in His Word and prayer consistently, we get the scent of heaven on us and people recognize there is something different about us.If you have ever worn cologne or perfume and someone said to you, “What is that you are wearing? I’ve got to have some of that.” That’s what our faith should do as we go out into the world. When the question comes, “What’s different about you?” be ready to share with them that it’s the Jesus difference. Our faith should be a welcome mat for people to inquire about Jesus. We should be different, not weird or obnoxious, just distinct from the attitudes and speech of the world.

From the 31-Day Devotional, "Making A God Impression." Get it now at Amazon.


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