Listen Up, Guys!

Guys, one of the things we are terrible at is listening. It may be one of our worst traits. Just ask your wife. She'll let you know!

Interestingly, we seem to pay less attention to the people in our lives who should have our utmost attention, like our wives, our kids, family members, close friends, and most importantly, God!

Listening to God is probably the most important thing we can do and probably the thing we give the least priority. We have so many distractions in life and are so busy that listening to the noise of life that God is pushed way down on our list of priorities. In reality, it should be our number one priority.

Why? When we listen to and follow God's plan everything else we are seeking in this life will fall into place.

In the Gospel of Matthew it is written: "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." -Matthew 6:33

In both the Old Testament and the New Testament it says to seek him first and he will guide your path and give you all you desire. So, why don’t we listen to him and seek him first? It seems pretty simple. Rather than striving and seeking everything this world offers, why not try changing gears and listening to what God is saying to us? That means listening to God? What a concept!

Let’s start today to seek him first. It's easy if you use the following.

B asic
I nstructions
B efore
L eaving
E arth


God With Us In Person


God With Us In Loneliness