Nobody Will Ever Know

This is the statement we all face in our darkest hours. "I can do this because nobody will ever know!"

All of us have deep secrets about the things we feel and think about, but one of the scariest things we do are the secret ones we act on. We think, "nobody will ever know."

So here's a question. "What are you talking about?"

  • Nobody will ever know I watch adult movies in my hotel room or porn on my computer when my wife and children aren't around.
  • Nobody will ever know when I talk unkindly to my kids, parents, siblings, a friend, or co- workers.
  • Nobody will ever know if I use foul language or use God's name in vain.
  • Nobody will ever know if I lust after my friends wife, a woman at work, a woman at the gym, or a woman at Starbucks.
  • Nobody will ever know if I drink too much or if I lie and deceive people.

Get the picture?

We think we can keep a lot of dark, sinful things secret from others in our lives, thinking it won’t hurt anyone because no one will ever know. I have bad news. You're only fooling yourself! God knows and God sees everything!!

The Bible is clear! In Hebrews 4:13 it is written: "And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him to whom we must answer."

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. He will expose everything and we will be held accountable for all our actions. Knowing God sees all may be embarrassing or humbling, but the good news is we can start again.

Ask for his forgiveness today and start over being super sensitive this time, remembering that God loves us and sees everything we do.


Stopping to Think About Christmas


The Immanuel Factor