
Believe it or not, each day we make a whopping 35,000 decisions! Holy Moley Cannoli!! That equates to about 2,000 decisions per hour or 1 decision every 2 seconds! That’s just crazy to think about.The pure magnitude of this demonstrates the importance of our decisions, how they can effect our lives, and the lives of others around us. How to make the right decisions and choices in life should be an important aspect for us. So, how do we make good decisions?If you Google it you will find many strategic suggestions such as:

  • Gather all your data
  • Look at all your alternatives
  • Check what your conclusions might be after each alternative

We can always find someone's recommendation for doing things and making decisions, but what does God say about making big decisions or just our everyday decisions?Let's keep it simple by looking two scriptures that speak very clearly about decision making.1. "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." -Proverbs 3:6 If you consider him in all your decisions he will keep you on the right track.2. "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." -Colossians 3:23A couple of other helpful hints:

  • Pray about our decisions and wait for a feeling of peace about it.
  • Ask the advice of others who we trust and who are close to God.
  • Always check our decisions against God's word to be sure it’s in God's will before we proceed.
  • Finally - when in doubt refer to 1 and 2 above

With God's help, we can always do the right thing and make the right decisions!


Be Faithful in the Tough Times


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