Take a Stand

Abishai, the brother of Joab, was chief of the Three. He raised his spear against three hundred men, whom he killed, and so he became as famous as the Three.

1 Chronicles 11:20

Abishai, the brother of Joab, was the chief of one of the three groups of David’s Mighty Men, took a strong stand by himself against 300 of the enemies and killed them all. No doubt God had given him supernatural strength. Yet, this man was willing to take a stand regardless of the cost because of his love for David. He had counted the cost and was willing to pay it with his life, if necessary.

Do you possess that kind of commitment to Jesus Christ? Are you willing to stand for Him and against that which is against Him? Have you counted the cost and said,

“No matter what, I take my stand with Jesus!” It will mean being ridiculed, laughed at, mocked, and misunderstood by the world. Are you willing to fight Satan 24/7? It will take men who have that willingness to change our culture.

5 Truths About Taking a Stand

  1. Tell Jesus, “I am willing to go anywhere You lead me. I am willing to say anything You tell me to say, and I am willing to do whatever You tell me to do.”
  2. Recognize the cost of being a true follower of Jesus, even if you must give your life.
  3. Stand for those things and people that God is for.
  4. Stand against those things that God is against.
  5. Show the love of God to everyone, even when taking a stand against something that is not consistent with God’s will.

Today, tell God, “My answer is Yes!” Let Him fill in the blank and trust Him to give you the strength to stand. Even if all the world fails to stand up for what is right, you be the one who says, “Here I am, God help me, I can do no other!” (From the Devotional, 31 Leadership Lessons From David’s Mighty Men).




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