Stand Firm in Your Faith

How do we live politically correct lives as Christian men?Well, we could certainly decide to uhh… wait, no, that doesn't work. I know, we could make sure we don’t um... oh, hey, that does not work either. I guess the answer comes back to this. Plain and simple, we can’t!!How do we get along in this world that is so confused, where every day there is a new political or societal topic of change to which we all are asked to conform? Isn’t everyone entitled to believe what they want and to decide what their truth is and how they want to live with no discrimination?That is absolutely correct and that includes us as Christian men, but don’t count on being treated fairly about this. We are already seeing many signs of discrimination and injustices against us as Christians.Our job is to not tell the people of this world they are wrong. It’s our job to live in truth and show them through our lives our love and our actions the correct direction and ultimately they will see the truth.Jesus stood firm on God's truth and he showed people through his love and actions what the truth really was all about, but never backed down or conformed to societal pressure.So as Christian men, we should not get into arguments regarding politics or disagreements on societal irregularities and insert our opinions. Instead, we should live our lives on the truth and always refer to what God says about certain topics never pointing out that people are wrong, even though according to God's word they are confused.Our job is to stand firm on what God says about these things and live our lives with love and conviction for his word. Each person around us that we impact will see this and will have to choose God's truth or the world's truth.It’s crystal clear we must be obedient to God's word no matter what is going on in the world and always act in love and honor to Him.


Wingman Nation Weekly Devotional


Teaching Your Child About Moral Authority