Teaching Your Child About Moral Authority


Proverbs 22:6

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”

Blessing your child and training him or her in the ways of God is not about a set of rules. It is about a relationship with your child that has boundaries. Notice the word “should” speaks of moral authority. That moral authority has a basis, and the basis is God’s Word, the Bible. Dad, you must begin by embracing the fact that God’s Word is the authority for right and wrong, truth and error, and good and evil. Your blessing to your child must be based on the clear teachings of God’s Word. Here are 5 Ways of Sharing About Moral Authority:
  1. You must bring God’s Word into your child’s life. Every day, first by example and then by teaching. Dads you are training your child for war—cultural war, spiritual war, emotional war, visual.
  2. You must expose them to the things of God on a regular and consistent basis. One of the biggest and best ways you do that is to have them in church on Sunday
  3. Focus on building a relationship with your child and not on rules
  4. Remind your child that God has the final word on what is right and wrong, truth and error, good and evil.
  5. Teach them that God’s Word judges their experience, not their experience judging God’s Word. 

Dad, your relationship with your child becomes the platform you can teach him or her about God’s way. (From the devotional, The Dad Blessing)


Stand Firm in Your Faith


Wingman Nation Weekly Devotional