Express Loving Touch To Your Child


Mark 10:13

“People were bringing little children to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them.”

Matthew 19:13

“Then people brought little children to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.”

Jesus used the power of touch to bless the children. dad, there is power in your loving touch. In the Bible, the hands were the instruments of blessing, touching them in a reassuring and gentle way. Dads, your daughter especially needs that from you.That touch communicates love, acceptance, warmth, care, concern, encouragement, and affirmation. Scientific research supports the theory that stimulation. Scientific research supports the theory that stimulation by touch is necessary for our physical as well as emotional well-being. “Hugging is a very special form of touching that contributes in a major way to healing and health” (Unknown).Here are five ways to lovingly touch your child:1. Hug your child. Hugs are a powerful tool.2. Kiss your child3. Use your hands in any way possible to communicate love and acceptance to your child.4. Don’t be cold and untouchable5. Remember, your child, even when he or she is a teenager, still craves loving touch from dad.As Jesus used the power of touch to bless the children, use loving touch to bless, affirm, and encourage your children.(From The Dad Blessing)


Affirming Words


The Blessings of God To His People