Believe in Your Man


1 Corinthinthians 13:7

Nothing will encourage your husband like the knowledge that you believe in him, that you trust him and believe the best about him. Knowing that Angie believes in me gives me great motivation. You know your husband better than anyone. When you demonstrate your belief in him, he will be blessed. If he knows you believe in him, he feels he can conquer the world. The knowledge that you, his wife, will still be there when everyone else has left the room, cheers him up like nothing else.In the “Love Chapter,” Paul specifically mentions this characteristic of real love: “It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:7 NIV)True love means you defend him and stick with him. Always trusts” means you give him the benefit of the doubt. You think the very best possible about the one you love. You consider the whole of the person, not just one incident. My wife has committed to memory the “Love Chapter,” 1 Corinthians 13. She meditates on those words often and seeks to live them out practically. I encourage every wife and husband to do the same. This is God’s kind of love.


  1. Tell your husband, “I believe in you” often. That will encourage him greatly. Those words will be so affirming to your husband.
  1. Take the whole person your husband is and not just an isolated event or mistake. None of us want to be defined by an incident or mistake we have made. Ask yourself, “Is this the rule or an exception?” Most of the time it is an isolated issue and not the way he normally would be.
  2. Keep this in mind, “My husband loves me and is committed to me.” He has shown you that over the years.
  3. Compliment him in front of others and speak well about him. Also, be willing to defend him even with your own family.
  4. If you have not believed in your husband, ask yourself why and address it. If there is a trust issue, seek to get to the bottom of it and ask God to give you the wisdom to know how to navigate forward.

So, the next time something happens, keep in mind who your husband is and all he has done for you and your family. He will be a better husband because of your belief in him.


Thou Shalt Not Nag


Seek to Understand Your Husband