Make Time for Your Wife


Ephesians 5:16

“Making the most of every opportunity.” Husband, every day each of us is given the same amount of time, 1440 minutes. How we spend that time is determined by our own choices. The highest on that choice list should be God and then your wife. There will come a day when you wish you had just a few more of those minutes back to spend with her. Make every moment with her count. Making the most of your time involves making time for your wife. Remember, we make time for the things that are most important to us. Your wife needs to see by your example, how important she is to you. She must never feel like she is getting your left-over time. Paul is teaching us to not take each other for granted, nor take the time we have left for granted. We must not assume that we will always have time to spend with her. That time includes both quality and quantity. The older you get, the more it will feel like time is entering warp speed. Angie and I will be married forty-three years this year and it only seems like yesterday that she was feeding me the wedding cake on our wedding day. Seize each moment and don’t look back one day filled with regrets that you put other things above the time you should have spent with your wife. She is your best friend, your lover, your defender, and the mother of your children. With the exception of God Himself, no one is more important than her.


  1. Each day make sure you tell your wife, “I love you.” Never let a day pass that you don’t express that to her. You never know when that is the last time you will ever say those words to her.
  1. Keep your word to your wife about when you say you will be somewhere. Be on time. Be sensitive to her time and feelings.
  1. Prioritize a weekly date with your wife with just the two of you.
  1. Give her the gift of time by taking care of the things she normally must do, such as doing things for the children, cooking, and cleaning. Free up some time for her so she can do something she wants to do.
  1. Do something consistently that shows your wife that you are taking the time to plan for her by doing something for her, such as sending her a text, a note, flowers, a gift, a surprise lunch, etc. You want her to know and think, “I am so happy he took the time to think about me.” Wingman, you will be so glad you did!

Today, stop and pray and tell God how grateful you are that He gave you the precious gift of your wife, and ask Him to help you to never take her for granted.


Tell Your Husband Specifically What You Need


Reassure Your Wife