Pray For Your Wife


1 Peter 3:7

Husbands, in the same way, be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.”Wingman, are you consistently praying for your wife? Peter, one of Jesus’ best friends, was married. He speaks profound truths about the subject of marriage. In this verse, Peter connects the dots between righteous living (being a godly husband) and having an effective prayer life. He is concerned that if he is not fulfilling his God-ordained role as a husband, his communication with God will be hindered. A disobedient husband equals a closed heaven. If you have been praying and not receiving answers, look at your leadership role in the home and ask, “Am I fulfilling that role with my wife?” “Am I loving her as Christ loved the Church?” “Am I loving her unconditionally and sacrificially?”If you are serious about praying for your wife, you must first live a righteous and obedient life for God. If a husband is inconsiderate to his wife, doesn’t respect her, and fails to love her unconditionally, his prayers will not be effective. The word “hindered” means to cut off. Your prayer line to heaven is cut off when you aren’t the husband God commanded you to be. Men, you don’t want your communication with God to be negatively impacted. Today, make certain you are following God’s will in your spiritual leadership role.


  1. Daily seek to treat your wife with consideration and respect, serving her. Your prayer life for your wife begins with how you treat her.
  2. Pray for God’s hedge of protection around her physically, emotionally, relationally, and mentally. Job 1 speaks of this hedge of protection.
  3. Pray for God’s favor upon her. “God smile on my wife today in every way.”
  4. Pray that God would give her wisdom and discernment in her decision making
  5. Pray that she would be the wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend she needs to be.

As you pray for your wife, be sure to tell her how committed you are to call her name out to the Lord multiple times during the day. Wingmen pray for their wives.


Pray With Your Wife


Be Affectionate to Your Wife