Keep Your Wife Second


Matthew 6:33

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.Wingman, the way you can bless your wife the most is by putting her in second place in your life, but with an exclusive qualification. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit must have first place in your life and lifestyle. Jesus promises us that in Matthew 6:33The best you as a husband will ever be toward your wife is when you love God more than you love her. Why is that so? First, doing what God says gives you wisdom, power, discernment, and sensitivity. Obeying God always produces in your life everything you need to be the husband He wants you to be. Second, putting God first gives you the right attitude and doing things with the right motive when it comes to your wife. You serve her out of love, not out of fear or guilt. Third, putting God first brings God’s favor on your life, and when you are blessed, your wife gets blessed too. Fourth, you have God’s provision, and when you have that, it brings security to your wife, one of her top needs.So if you want to love your wife and be to her everything she needs, simply always put God first, which automatically puts your wife in second place. That is God’s amazing structure for marriage.

5 Ways To Keep Your Wife Second

  1. Demonstrate through your daily actions that God is first in your life, such as being in God’s Word daily, praying, obeying God’s known will, worshipping, and passionately pursuing purity.
  1. Be on guard. Satan, the world, and the flesh are constantly attempting to take God out of the top spot of your life. You must daily engage in spiritual warfare and never allow anyone or anything to remove God from being number one.
  1. Communicate with your wife your commitment to always placing her second with God being first, believing that doing so will be the greatest way to bless her.
  1. Ask your wife to pray daily to keep God in the number one spot in your life.
  1. Ask your wife to share with you if there is anything you are not doing that fails to meet her needs. Give her complete freedom to share her heart. That further brings a sense of security to her.

Let your wife know she is second, only to Jesus Christ.

(From Pastor Jay Dennis’ Book, The Wife Blessing, A Wingman Nation Publication).


Show Your Love to Your Wife


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