Money Wisdom


Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, “This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.” (Luke 14:28-30)Jesus often spoke about money. He taught us how to use money for God’s glory and warned us about putting money ahead or instead of God. He gave us insight into being good stewards or managers of our money. He affirmed tithing as the minimum guide to obedient giving and encouraged generosity to kingdom causes and using our money to help alleviate hunger and other problems.In Luke 14:28-30, Jesus encouraged us to be wise in how we use our money. We should be generous and not stingy, but we should also be wise in our spending. He told us to count the cost before moving forward when we purchase something. Can we pay for it? Can we pay for it on time? Can we afford it? Is it necessary? Is it something that will honor God? Will it increase the kingdom of God and help people? Will we have enough money to complete what we started?Real masculinity is characterized by wise generosity, being generous, yet being wise in how we spend our money. It all belongs to God, but He has given us management over how we spend it.

Lessons on Money Wisdom

  1. Acknowledge that your money belongs to God.
  2. Be faithful in giving your tithes and offerings to God.
  3. Pray about how you use your money—how you spend, how you save, how you give it away—that it would be for God’s glory.
  4. Before you make a purchase, be sure it is something that will honor God. Make sure you have waited to give God time to meet your need and not to jump ahead of God.
  5. Think back about money mistakes you have made and commit to God that you will not make the same mistakes again.
  6. More money never makes you happier. However, when you handle money God’s way, blessings come to you and expand the kingdom of God.

Action Plan

Today do a personal money evaluation by answering 10 questions:

  • Am I being faithful in my giving to God through the church?
  • Am I saving enough money?
  • Am I wise in how I am spending my money?
  • Am I considered a generous person?
  • Have I made certain that my family is taken care of if anything happens to me?
  • Do I have a will?
  • What do I have to be aware of when it comes to my use of money?
  • Have I allowed worry about money to replace trusting God to meet my needs?
  • Am I teaching my children about the wise use of money?
  • Do I see my money as belonging to God and that I am only a manager of God’s money?

Blessing Your Child


Are We Ready?