The Great Commission, Not The Great Omission


Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

(Matthew 28:19-20)

Jesus came to this planet with a simple purpose, “To seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10). Everywhere Jesus went, He found a way to share the gospel. The word “gospel” means good news. The good news is that one’s sins can be forgiven because of what Jesus did through His sinless life, death on the cross, and rising from the dead. As the perfect Man, He never allowed the fear of men to prevent Him from sharing the most important message. Whether he was dealing with hardened fishermen or an intellectual type like Nicodemus, Jesus related with people where they were and began the conversation about salvation.Mathew 28:19-20 comprises what we call “The Great Commission.” As men, we must make certain that Jesus’ “Great Commission” doesn’t become our “Great Omission.” Only the gospel has the power to transform the human heart, being so powerful that it changes one’s eternal destiny from hell to heaven.In the Great Commission, Jesus gives us the answers to five of the six questions a person asks: What, Where, When, Why, and Who. The what is the good news of the gospel. The where is the entire world. The when is now. The why is because people are sinners and need a Savior. Lastly, the who is every person on earth for each generation.Notice Jesus never tells us how. Why? Because Jesus knew the methods to reach each generation would be different. For instance, in the first century, there was no internet, but now it’s part of our daily lives. Jesus left the methods to reach the world up to each generation of believers. Methods change, but the message remains the same.

The Great Commission

  1. Always have someone on your heart who is lost and pray for him daily and pray for an opportunity to share the gospel with him.
  2. Make certain every member of your family has received the good news. That is your number-one responsibility.
  3. Intentionally build relationships with men who are lost; begin within your circle of people with whom you are in regular contact.
  4. Make use of gospel tracts. Giving someone a tract is one of the best ways to leave something with him that the Holy Spirit can use later. Many have come to Christ as a result of reading a tract.
  5. Demonstrate the spirit of Jesus in attitudes, words, and actions so men can see that you are serious about your faith and not ashamed of it.

We know exactly what needs to be done to advance the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission. The question is will we do it?– Pastor David Jeremiah.

Today, Wingman, make a list of the people in your life that you are unsure about concerning their salvation. Pray all day for that list and ask God to give you an opportunity to share the gospel with them.


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