Dealing With Pain


Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

(Hebrews 12:2)

Jesus Christ was no stranger to pain. He suffered in a way that no one has ever suffered. Crucifixion is the cruelest form of death. Jesus, taking upon Himself all of our sin, was mercilessly tortured physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Crucifixion, to be blunt, hurt. As Jesus was on the cross, He spoke words that gave the people who were there and those who would hear about His crucifixion insight into his pain.

  • He was in physical pain: “I thirst.”
  • He was in emotional pain: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
  • He was in spiritual pain: “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
  • He was in relational pain: “Woman, behold your Son.”

Typically, men don’t like to admit pain. Perhaps we think that somehow diminishes our manhood. Jesus demonstrated the opposite. He didn’t dwell on the pain, but He also admitted pain. There was no “fake it til you make it” plan. Most men have experienced pain in all of the above. Having Jesus doesn’t remove the pain; however, having Jesus helps us make sense out of the pain and use it for His glory.

Helps in addressing your Pain:

  1. Being a real man doesn’t mean denying your pain.
  2. Regardless of the kind of pain you are experiencing, ask God what He wants you to learn through the pain.
  3. Give your pain to God and ask Him to use it someway, somehow for His glory and purpose.
  4. All men have some kind of pain, some more than others. Be the kind of man who can admit the pain in hope that it helps someone else who is struggling.
  5. Jesus, the perfect Man, experienced pain on the cross so you wouldn’t have to experience eternal pain. If you know Jesus, your pain ends the moment you take your last breath.
  6. When a man refuses to admit pain, he will often try to find ungodly ways to medicate the pain.
  7. Admitting the pain is the first step to experiencing God’s healing touch.

Your greatest ministry will most likely come out of your greatest hurt.” – Rick Warren

Action Plan

Identify in your life the areas of pain:Physically:Emotionally:Relationally:Mentally:Spiritually:

Give each to God and ask Him today. Pain is real, but Jesus is more real!


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