Be a Gentle-man


Matthew 11:29

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Wingman, Jesus taught us by example and word to be a gentle man.

Jesus told His disciples, “I am gentle….” Gentleness is strength under the control of the Holy Spirit. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was inviting all who were weary and exhausted from trying to work their way to heaven by keeping the Law to come to Him and find rest through a relationship with Him. Jesus, the most masculine man Who ever lived, was also the most gentle man Who ever lived. He displayed strength through kindness and power through sensitivity to the needs of people. Gentleness leaves no room for being harsh, rude, insensitive, or inconsiderate. This masculine trait is often displayed to those who can do the least for us. True gentleness is observed by how a man treats children, women, and those who can offer nothing in return.

Every husband should strive to have his wife say of him, “He is a gentle man.” Every dad should desire for his children to refer to him as gentle. Every person with whom he works or spends time should want to say of him, “He is a gentleman.” A gentle man is slow to anger and filled with patience as he deals with people.

Steps to becoming a Gentle Man:

  1. Pray each day that you will display a spirit of gentleness.
  2. Find someone each day with whom you can express a gentle spirit, who does not have the capacity to help you.
  3. Incorporate a spirit of gentleness with your wife and children, asking yourself, “What can I do to help her, to help them, today?”
  4. Ask yourself, “Is there someone that I have not displayed a spirit of gentleness toward?” An example would be someone with whom you lost your temper or were rude. If so, go back and seek that person’s forgiveness and watch how the Holy Spirit uses that for God’s glory.
  5. Ask yourself, “Am I too controlling in my marriage?” Are you trying to control your wife to such a degree that she fears sharing her own ideas and thoughts because they may be different from yours? If so, confess that to God and begin to seek the control of the Holy Spirit. Confess it also to her and ask for her forgiveness.

Gentleness has nothing to do with weakness, timidity, indifference, or cowardice. It was used of wild animals that were tamed, especially of horses that were broken and trained. Such an animal still has his strength and spirit, but its will is under the control of its master… Meekness is power under control. Biblical gentleness is power under the control of God.

Wingman, pray each day this prayer: “Lord, please help me to have a gentle, teachable spirit, one that is under Your complete control every minute of every day.” Whenever you sense you have taken back control, confess that immediately and seek God’s forgiveness.


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