Having Jesus Eyes


Matthew 9:36; 14:14

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:36)

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. (Matthew 14:14)

Every Wingman needs to develop “Jesus Eyes,” eyes that view through the lens of the Person of Jesus Christ. Consider the backstory.

As Jesus journeyed through towns and villages, He went into their synagogues, teaching, healing, and sharing the good news. He confronted sickness and disease with an overwhelming victory.Jesus had compassion for them because of their helplessness and hopelessness. As Christian men, we need to pray for Jesus Eyes, eyes that see people through the lens of caring. Jesus viewed people where they were—their needs, hurts, wounds, worries, fears, and insecurities. Their hurt mattered to Him and should matter to every one of us. There is a direct correlation between Jesus’ eyes and His heart. When our heart is right with God, it affects how we see people. We will miss those opportunities for ministry when our hearts are not right with God.

How to Develop Jesus Eyes:

  1. When Jesus lives within you, you cannot see the world the same as you did B.C. (Before Christ). Salvation means getting within you “Jesus Eyes.”
  2. When Jesus, the Author of Compassion, lives within you, you begin to see through His eyes as you seek His daily control of your life.
  3. Compassion means “to suffer with.” In other words, you begin to feel what Jesus felt as you see the needs and hurts of others.
  4. Pray that God will give you a heart of compassion daily so that you do not miss the opportunities before you to share the love of Jesus in practical ways.
  5. Compassion precedes action; thought and feelings precede doing. Pray for clear eyes, eyes that look at people, things, and places clearly from Jesus’ perspective.

Compassion can’t be measured in dollars and cents. It does come with a price tag, but that price tag isn’t the amount of money spent. The price tag is love. – J. C. Watts Jr.D.L. Moody told the story of his conversion this way: “When I was in Boston, I used to attend a Sunday school class, and one day I recollect my teacher came around behind the counter of the shop I was at work in, and put his hand upon my shoulder, and talked to me about Christ and my soul. I had not felt that I had a soul till then. I said to myself, ‘This is a very strange thing. Here is a man who never saw me till lately, and he is weeping over my sins, and I never shed a tear about them.’ But I understand it now and know what it is to have a passion for men’s souls and weep over their sins. I don’t remember what he said, but I can still feel the power of that man’s hand on my shoulder tonight.”The concern and tears of a godly teacher resulted in the conversion of a man who saw a million souls saved in his evangelistic campaigns.

Today, pray this simple prayer multiple times throughout the day as you leave your home, while you are in your car, while you are walking to your destination, while you are waiting somewhere, while driving home, and wherever you go: “Lord, please give me Jesus Eyes.”


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