A New Beginning


Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.As we end 2021 and embark upon 2022, let’s consider A New Beginning.If you believe Genesis 1:1, you will have no problem believing all that follows.The opening statement of the Bible contains the most important sentence ever written. These words have been called “the foundation of our faith.” Accepting Genesis 1:1 requires faith. The first book of the Bible settles many issues such as evolution, marriage, homosexuality, racism, pornography, sanctity of human life; and respect for property, concern for the environment, scripture, salvation, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. The Bible and science are not in competition. There is no contradiction with science. God answers the question of “Who,” while science answers the question of “How?” When you get the “Who” right, the “How” will fall in line. What do we learn from Genesis 1:1?

I. History’s Clock Begins

“In the beginning” refers to the beginning of the world. This is when history’s clock was set. Our sovereign God controls time and that clock is moving toward a conclusion. In the Book of Genesis, the clock is started; and in the Book of Revelation, the clock is stopped. God alone has His hand on the clock.

II. “-Isms” are Denied

Every false religion begins with man. True faith begins with God. If you accept Genesis 1:1 by faith, you will deny the various “isms” that run counter to a biblical faith. Atheism is denied because this presents God without doubt or question. Communism is denied because the official religion is atheism. Evolutionism is denied because it teaches that the origins of life were through time and chance, not through purposeful creation by a Creator. Pantheism is denied because it is the belief that God is part of creation. Polytheism is denied because it teaches there are many gods. Humanism teaches that man invented God—man is his own god. Reincarnation-ism is the belief that after we die we will come back and live as someone or something else. This takes God out of the equation entirely. Racism is denied because God created this planet for every race. God created every person. Satanism is denied it makes Satan god. Materialism is denied because everything is not material. Relativism—the teaching that there are no absolutes—is denied. Cynicism—doubting God and His purpose and goodness—is denied. This verse declares that God has a purpose and that God is in control.

III. The Reality of God

When you open the Bible, in the very first verse, you are immediately ushered into the presence of God. The Bible doesn’t set out to prove God, only to present Him. The burden of proof is not on those of us who believe to prove it, but on those who don’t believe to disprove it. What you decide about God will determine how you live your life. What do we learn about God?

    1. God is Real

God has mind, will, and emotion. He is not just a cosmic force. He is personal and self-existent.

    1. God is Active

God does something. God acts. God intervenes. God can do anything and everything. God is involved in His creation.

    1. God is Big

The God being enough to create the universe is certainly big enough to handle whatever is going on in your world. God’s creation cries out, “Our God is greater than________” (you fill in the blank).

    1. God is Creator

The word “Created” denotes an historical event. It happened, but it didn’t just happen. God created the world out of nothing (no preexisting material). No one else can do that. “The heavens and the earth” covers it all, both up there and down here.

    1. God Is One-in-Three and Three- in-One

The name God is plural. That doesn’t mean more than one God; it means God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In the first verse of the Bible we see the Triune God.

IV. Practical Lessons from the First Verse of the Bible

There are several conclusions and lessons we learn from Genesis 1:1. If you believe Genesis 1:1 then…

    1. What God Says about Everything in the Pages of the Bible Following Genesis 1:1 is Absolutely True.

This verse assures us that every promise God makes He will keep.

    1. He is the God of New Beginnings.

God can make everything new, including your life. God is the God of new beginnings.

II Corinthians 5:17

17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

    1. Make God the Beginning of every day.

Make a commitment that the first part of your day is committed to reading God’s Word and praying, preparing for your day.

Psalm 5:3

In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice;In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.

    1. The Greatest Proof of God is When You Experience Him.

You experience Him when you worship and obey Him.

    1. The Creation is Inviting.

The creation invites people to be saved and to worship. When you look up it invites you to worship the Lord.

Revelation 4:11

11 Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.

    1. Since God Created the World, Rest Assured that He can Create an Answer to your Problem and a Provision for your Need.

As I mentioned before, the word for “Created” indicates that God brought the world into existence without existing materials—He created out of nothing. God can take nothing and create exactly what you need. Give Him control of your life.

Surrender your “Nothing” to God. Make 2022 your best year ever!


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