Healing for a Wounded Heart

Psalms 34:15-19

15 The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and his ears toward their cry. 16 The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth. 17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. 18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. (ESV)King David had just been delivered from death. He had escaped to the cave of Adullam. In this Psalm he celebrates victory. As we journey through this Psalm, we recognize that someone is dealing with a broken heart. David, no doubt, had his heard broken over Saul—a man he thought was his friend, his mentor, and his best friend’s father; yet he had betrayed him. Wingmen, perhaps you have had someone who has betrayed you and your grief was profound.At some time, all of us have had our hearts broken, and that most often happens as a result of a relationship where someone we love hurt and wounded us. David used certain words to refer to his broken heart. One word is “Troubles” (34:17), which means adversary. It further means distress. “Brokenhearted” (34:18) means discouraged or shattered. “Crushed in spirit” (34:18) refers to those who have lost all hope. “Afflictions” (34:19) means bad: something bad that happens to you—bad news, bad people, bad circumstances.To experience healing for a broken heart, there are several things you need to know first and then to do found here in Psalm 34.

I. Some Things You Need to Know about a Broken Heart

Before you can actually do something, you need to know something:

  1. Being a Christian Does Not Insulate You

Psalm 34:1919 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. (ESV)God doesn’t keep you from bad things but brings you out of bad things. You will face people and experiences that will break your heart. However, only God can take that broken heart and use it for His glory and for our growth and good.

  1. You Should Not Believe That Christians Have as Many Problems as Those Who Are Not Christians

Psalm 34:1919 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. (ESV)The word “Many” means more numerous. In other words, Christians have more problems than those who aren’t Christians. You are fighting an unseen enemy—Satan. You are fighting the old you before you were saved. You are fighting a world system that is hostile toward God and the things of God.

  1. Our Broken Hearts Are Confined to This Life Only

Psalm 34:1616 The face of the Lord is against those who do evil,to cut off the memory of them from the earth. (ESV)The moment a believer dies, he or she will be forever done with broken hearts. Even the memory of unsaved loved one’s or friends will be wiped away. The memory of those who went to hell will be wiped away from the memories of those who are in heaven.

  1. Your Broken Heart Allows You a Front Row Seat to See God Work

Psalm 34:15 tells us that God is watching us. He is waiting for you to make the first move of obedience and cooperation with Him. God is also listening (Psalm 34:15b) to your prayers, your crying out to Him.Psalm 34:1818 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.The word “Near” means to cause to draw near, close. It speaks of time and place. In other words: When and where you need God as you seek Him and move in His direction, He shows up.

  1. God Is Going to Bring Something Good out of Your Broken Heart

If you cooperate with God, if you don’t lose faith and hope, if you obey God no matter what happens, you have something to look forward to in this life; something that God is going to do.Psalm 34:10b…but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. (ESV)In Psalm 34:18 the word “Saves” means give victory to. Out of your broken heart may come a great opportunity, a great lesson, a great relationship, a great testimony, or a great ending of finishing strong and well.

II. There Are Some Things You Need to Do When You Have a Broken Heart

David shows us specifically. It worked for him and it will work for you.

  1. Choose the Fear of God

Psalm 34:9Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints,for those who fear him have no lack!  (ESV)The fear of God is the reverence for God, being in awe of His Person, His character. It is  acknowledging God no matter what you are facing or how bad things get. The idea is that you worship in the midst of your broken heart. Acknowledge His sovereignty. Worship may not remove your broken heart, but it will change your perspective about it.

  1. Seek God’s Forgiveness

Notice to whom these promises apply (Psalm 34:15,17,19)—the righteous: Those who know God by experience; they have a personal relationship with Him. The righteous are those who are right with God. Make sure you don’t have any unconfessed sin in your life or areas of disobedience.Psalm 34:13-1413 Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.14 Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.  (ESV)It is easier to give into temptation, to get bitter, or to step out of God’s will when you have a broken heart.

  1. Turn It Over to God and Believe He Can Deal with It Better Than You Can

Don’t trust your feelings because they will deceive you. Don’t listen to everyone’s opinion. Don’t go into denial or try to avoid dealing with your broken heart.Psalm 34:5Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. (ESV)The word “Looked” means to depend upon, to gaze. In other words, depend on God to see you through this. Place your trust in Him alone. Release your worry and fear; place it in His hands; and don’t pick it back up. Pour out your broken heart to God (Psalm 34:17). Seek God’s wisdom. Ask Him what He wants you to learn through this (Psalm 34:10b).

  1. Find a Scriptural Promise

Ask God to give you a word from His Word. The Book of Psalms is a great place to find a promise from God concerning your wounded heart. There are several in Psalm 34 (Psalm 34:7, 8, 9-10,18). Start praying these promises back to God and stand on them. Start thanking God for keeping His Word.

  1. Keep Standing on What God Said

No matter what, cling to what God said and never let it go. God is as good as His Word.

Wingmen, God can heal your wounded heart!


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