Wingman "MAN"erisms

Recently our Wingman Nation Bible Study is focused on Respecting Women. One way we express respect to women is by exemplifying good and godly manners. Keep in mind, it is the Jesus Who lives in you that motivates us to possess respect for women and doing those things that honor that respect.

Here are multiple “MANnerisms” that will assist you in demonstrating respect. Some of these are graphic, so hang on. Sometimes one has to just come out and share the hard truths unvarnished as you will see. 

This is a way to exemplify the teaching of I Peter 3:7 “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with respect…”

Men exercising these “MANnerisms” will honor our Lord and respect the women in your life, beginning with your wife if you are married. The lesson was “Demonstrate good and godly manners around women.” That shows incredible respect and honor to her. Here ares“MANnerisms:”


  1. Say “Please,” “Thank You,” “Excuse Me,” “May I Help You?”
  1. Practice sharing (Don’t be selfish)
  1. Use Good Table Manners
  1. Don’t check your phone while someone is talking to you
  1. Be on time. Punctuality shows respect.
  1. Open the door for a lady (because you are a gentleman)
  1. Pull out the chair for a woman and help her scoot her seat up for her
  1. If walking with a lady, walk to the side of the traffi
  1. Speak when spoken to, even take the initiative to speak

10.Introduce people who don’t know each other

11.Practice good personal hygiene (take great care to  always be clean)

12.Offer your seat to a lady

13.No spitting, cursing, burping, passing gas, chewing with your mouth open, picking your nose or smacking (Nothing like calling it like it is!)

14.Wash your hands

15.Put down the toilet seat

16.If you put it down, pick it up

17.Look people in the eyes when talking or listening 

18.Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze

19.Don’t scratch your crotch in public—ever! (You won’t die of itching)

20. Don’t interrupt when someone is talking

21.Wait until everyone gets their food before beginning to eat

22.Offer Prayer Before Meals

23.Keep your napkin in your lap

24.Don’t criticize what people eat (it’s not your place)

25.Don’t bring up subjects that invite division or differences of opinion (like politics)

26.Take Responsibility when it is Your Responsibility. Don’t shift blame or make excuses.

27 Avoid “Yes” or “No” answers if possible

28.Offer your coat or jacket to a woman who is cold

29.Always allow the woman to go first (unless of course it is dangerous)

30.Keep the volume down when in public

31.Don’t roll your eyes or make expressions that indicate your disdain or dislike

32.Be known for your generosity (refuse to be a cheapskate, tightwad or stingy)

33.Don’t use someone to get what you want

34.Be considerate of a woman’s time (she is probably carrying a heavy load as a wife, mother, employer, employee)

35.Apologize when wrong, say, “I am sorry.”

36.Don’t ever criticize one’s appearance—ever!

Wingmen, begin today implementing these “MANnerisms,” demonstrating you desire to please God and respect women. Teach these to your son. Teach your daughter what she should look for in a man, one who displays these kinds of manners. 

Periodically review these and work on those where you are weak.


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