The Power of Belief: A Journey of Faith and Knowledge
Belief always seems to be an interesting topic to discuss. Here is why and what most people don’t realize:
Belief is a verb, an action word. It really means “taking.” But in a Biblical sense, it is “to take” or to grasp. It’s an action word.So, if you believe in God and Jesus, that means you have or are acting, and it is an act of our will. If you are acting on your belief, then you have faith. The key here is the action part of our belief.To believe, we must act, taking the step of faith and acting on it. In the book by E.W. Kenyon called The Wonderful Name of Jesus, he says this: “To have true belief, we must know so we can act on our faith.” Knowledge is to understand God’s word and commands.We cannot act on our beliefs thoroughly until we have God’s knowledge. So, the cure for this “true belief” is the knowledge of God’s word. Once we understand His word better, we can truly act on our faith and have a strong belief.The more we know God’s commands, the stronger our faith becomes, and our actions of belief will shine through, helping us and others come closer to God.Have an incredible weekend. Don’t forget church tomorrow! 😇