Stand Firm in Faith: A Call to Action for Christian Men

The winds are shifting in our society. Everywhere we look, we see new gender identities, gay couples on TV, statues being pulled down, our borders being overrun, and chaos erupting on our college campuses. Satan has been actively devising this plan for some time, and the winds are blowing in his favor.

As Christian men, we must act now! The time for us to band together and stand up for our faith and our way of life is now. We must stand for the things of God and do it with urgency. Join me in committing to the following actions:

1. Pray Daily: Ask God to help us be strong in our faith and to guide us in our actions.
2. Speak Up: Use social media and daily conversations to firmly discuss what is right in God's eyes.
3. Attend a Good Church: Find a church that is not afraid to stand up for what is right in God's eyes.
4. Avoid Supporting Certain Companies: Do not support companies or groups that go against the things of God. For example, try to avoid shopping at stores like Target if they go against your values.
5. Stand Firm in Faith: Do everything with love, but do not be afraid to take a stand on the principles God has given us.
6. Get Involved Locally: Participate in local school boards, community events, and consider running for office in your community.
7. Vote Your Faith: Encourage others to vote based on their faith and values.

These are just a few actions to start with, and there are many more. The winds of Marxism and communism have blown hard and are showing their ugly head through the chaos on college campuses. Men, this is not a coincidence. Satan is behind this unrest, trying to take down God's country through a communist and Marxist uprising.

If you are skeptical, listen to the Papa Roc and Jay Pop Show on your favorite podcast platform. We just finished a three-part series on communism in America, and it is frightening to see what they have been doing and are currently doing in our society. It is an absolute disaster for our country, but it is happening before our eyes.

Let’s kneel in prayer and then rise to fight for God’s truth. It’s time to stand for our flag and our faith.


If Someone You Know and Love is Gay: Part I


Cultivating Good Fruit