Antisemitism in America - A National Shock

“I will make you into a great nation,    and I will bless you;I will make your name great,    and you will be a blessing.I will bless those who bless you,    and whoever curses you I will curse;and all peoples on earth    will be blessed through you.”

Genesis 12:2-3

 God’s people have a mandate to support Israel, to pray for Israel, and to stand with Israel. Israel was chosen and blessed of God and Christians should be the best friends of Israel. We are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). Let me unequivocally state, antisemitism is evil and Christians should stand firmly against it wherever it shows up. Antisemitism simply means prejudiced or hostile toward the Jews.How unbelievably horrid are the words of the Hamas-supporting protesters on college campuses, as recently indicated by the events of Columbia and Yale Universities. The antisemitic movement is growing throughout America’s colleges. It should send shock waves down the spine of every Christian as the protesters chant phrases such as “Gas the Jews,” “We are Hamas,” “Death to America,” “Death to Israel,” “Hamas we love you. We support your rockets too.” They are chanting for the death of Jewish students and pledging their support for Hamas who is responsible for the worst mass killing in Israel’s history on October 7, 2023.We are observing a slippery slope that is advancing, daily demonstrating a hatred for Israel, a threat to Jewish students, and a threat to Jewish people. This is the kind of hatred that led to the Holocaust and the killing of 6 million Jews. Could it happen in our generation? We are seeing the genesis of such an atrocity. The Apostle John would call it the “spirit of the antichrist.”If the college presidents cannot denounce such hatred on their campuses, they should have the decency to resign and walk away and allow someone to take their place who will. Enough with wokeness. If you look behind the curtain and ask, “Who is paying for this,” I suspect you would discover the likes of George Soros and radical Islamic hate groups such as the American Muslims for Palestine.So, Christian men, pray for Israel and stand with Israel. God promises to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.


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