You Need Someone Who Has Your Back

Saul told his son Jonathan and all the attendants to kill David. But Jonathan had taken a great liking to David and warned him, “My father Saul is looking for a chance to kill you. Be on your guard tomorrow morning; go into hiding and stay there. I will go out and stand with my father in the field where you are. I’ll speak to him about you and will tell you what I find out.” Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul his father and said to him, “Let not the king do wrong to his servant David; he has not wronged you, and what he has done has benefited you greatly."

1 Samuel 19:2-4

 Every man needs at least one other man who has his back. In other words, someone who is looking out for him and for his best interests.Jonathan was loyal to David. He had his back. These men were committed to each other and had steadfast trust in their relationship. The covenant they made meant they were brothers for life. It was a binding commitment before God and to each other. Loyalty means you accept the person and are always there for him. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. In First Samuel 20:4, Jonathan said to David, “Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do for you.” In other words, “I’ve got your back.”This includes the bad times too. You know, guys, the stormy times, times of disappointment, times of disagreement, those times when loving someone is not easy. This means being a friend even when it costs you something. A true friend sticks with you no matter what. "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity" Proverbs 17:17.This kind of friend says “Yes” to you even before he knows what it is you are asking. If you don’t have someone like that in your life, start praying now and looking for that other brother.

From the 31-Day Devotional, “Who Would You Call At 2 AM?” .


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