Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

Stress can be a terrible thing. For many of us, it is the root of our health issues. At one point or another in all our lives we have to figure out how to best deal with it.

So, what does God say about how to deal with stress and anxiety? We can find good advice and instruction in God's Word.

"Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved." Psalms 55:22 (ESV)

The Bible tells us to not worry about the stresses of tomorrow and focus on today. There are several other words of wisdom in the Bible on how to deal with the stresses in our life. I encourage all of us to search for them and follow these wonderful guides.

We can also join God in the fight against stress in our life to help us enjoy life
and be more productive and healthy.

Here are ten helpful hints to reduce stress in your everyday life:

  1. Go to bed at a reasonable time.
  2. Eliminate hurry.
  3. Laugh more.
  4. Take better care of yourself.
  5. Learn to say no.
  6. Pray more often.
  7. Purposely enjoy time with someone you care about.
  8. Help someone or volunteer.
  9. Read a book - preferably the Bible.
  10. Get right with God.

Remember, stress and anxiety are tools used by the enemy to distract us from being closer to God and doing the right things in our lives.


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