Green Grass and High Tides

Grass is a funny thing, especially just after it’s cut.It smells so fresh and looks so green. It's neat, perfect, and crisp - we just get a great feeling of pride seeing and smelling it.But, as we ride around the neighborhood we see other lawns that look nicer. We see houses that are bigger and look nicer than our own. We wish we had that bigger house with the nicer lawn. You get it, right?God calls us to be content with what we have. He calls us to be thankful each day for everything we have right here and right now.That doesn't mean we can’t strive for nicer things. God has plans for us. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11) He just wants us to be thankful and content along the way, helping others as we go, and always giving Him the glory.You may be going through a tough time right now. We all do at certain times in life. Take a moment to read the Old Testament book of Job. Then take some time to reflect on Job's journey and re-evaluate your situation. Give praise to God for all he has done for you. He promised to always be there - whether it's in your current situation or whatever lies ahead.Don’t forget that as you see and think that the grass on the other side of the fence is greener, the reason could be that a big dog is fertilizing it with a whole bunch of poop that you could step in if you head to that greener grass too soon.Always be content and thankful for how God is blessing you where you are now right now.


Cling to the Sword


Being There For Your Other Brother!