Strength in the Storm

Summer is notably the time for the most frequent thunderstorms in many areas and winter storms usually rage often in the north and northwest throughout winter. It seems storms are frequent and some are intense and some quite mild. It’s not if we get storms, it’s just how we take each storm as it comes.It is similar in our life. God tells us in His Word how to handle the storms of life when they come, not if they come. Knowing that each of us will face our own storms and challenges, how can we be better prepared?Many of us are in the middle of a storm right now. If not, it’s coming! Just being real here. It’s not fun knowing we will go through adversity, but it will happen. God's main purpose is to take us through storms to hopefully create a situation where you draw closer to Him and draw on His strength, and strengthen your own faith in the process.Blessed is the man who takes refuge in the Lord. -Psalms 34:8It’s seems complicated but it’s also very simpleIt’s Complicated = Our storms in life can be complex and even the small simple ones to some of us are hard and complicated as well depending on our physiological makeup and things that may have happened to us as younger men.It's simple = because regardless God tells us if we surrender it all to him the big or small storms and give it all to him he will take us through the storm and give us rest.So how do we surrender???If we draw closer to Him during the storm by reading His word, listening to the advice of other Godly people, praying, and having the faith that whatever the outcome, it will all be ok and His will shall be done. Then God will help us persevere and our relationship with him will grow stronger..When the storms hit, don’t ask "God, why is this happening to me?" Instead ask God, "How can I be a reflection of you through this and allow your love to shine while I am going through this storm?"We will be scared. We are human and that's normal. Don’t let your fear be bigger than your faith! We serve a very big God!! Remember always to keep the umbrella of the Holy Spirit close by.


The Jabez Blessing


Wingman Nation Weekly Devotional