The Blessing of S-E-X


“For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.”

Genesis 2:24

“For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality.”

1 Thessalonians 4:3

Part of blessing your child is to communicate the importance of understanding God’s view of sex. Although this can be an uncomfortable topic, it is one that you as a dad must communicate about to your child. He or she needs to know that God created sex and that within the boundaries of marriage, it is one of God’s greatest blessings.Your children should understand that sex is like a fire. A fire within boundaries warms and provides light. However, out of bounds it can be the most destructive force on earth. Therefore, safe sex is only defined as between a husband and wife within the boundaries of a covenant marriage. God is not shy about addressing the subject of sex. In fact, He devotes an entire book about it (Song of Solomon). Parents are missing a wonderful opportunity when they fail to address the subject with their sons and daughters.Sex is a blessing not only for procreation but also for the pleasure of a husband and wife. Further, it brings a physical and emotional intimacy to the couple. Dad, you must also communicate the dangers of sex from unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, abuse, and the hurt it can cause when not following God’s plan. God doesn’t put the boundaries on sex to deprive us, but to protect us.5 Lessons on the Blessings of Sex

  1. Sex according to God’s plan is one of God’s greatest blessings to a husband and wife
  2. Sex outside of God’s plan is the most destructive force on earth creating unbelievable pain and hurt
  3. Commit to saving yourself for the one you marry. That is the greatest gift you can give to your future husband or wife. With God’s help you CAN do this!
  4. Satan has multiple sexual temptations. You must be on guard continually beginning with what you allow through your eyes and into your mind. Pornography will harm you!
  5. Survey after survey has proven that the best sex is married sex. It is worth the wait!

In a world that seems to be obsesses with this subject, dad, you must approach the subject with your child and teach them God’s way! (From the Devotional, The Dad Blessing).



Wingman Nation Weekly Devotional


Wingman Nation Weekly Devotional