Avoid Curses


Proverbs 18:21

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."

In the book, The Dad Blessing, I discuss the issue of avoiding curses, not just cursing, but curses. A curse means to speak ill of, to revile, disparage, or condemn. A curse is a negative term or phrase that negatively impacts your child. Curses are destructive while blessings build up. Your blessing can break the power of a curse. A curse can set the destiny of a child. Avoid negative nicknames; even though they may begin as a term of endearment, they can still become a curse. Nicknames such as chubby, loser, four eyes, metal mouth, silly, fatso, bean pole, and freckle face are hurtful and should never be used.Avoid negative labels such as, “You will never amount to much,” and “Can’t you do anything right?” “I hope you marry someone who is smart.”Avoid unfavorable comparisons: “Why can’t you be more like...” “I wish you were like...”Dad, if you are carrying around a curse, admit it, pray over it, renounce it, and believe what God said about you and not what others have said. Choose to forgive those who placed a curse on you. Seek God’s blessing. Start praising God. Parents, it’s not too late to bless your child, even if he or she is an adult.Let me share with you 5 Ways to Avoid Curses
  1. Never, ever tease your child about his or her appearance.
  2. Never compare your child with another.
  3. Never speak negatively about your child’s future.
  4. Apologize to your child if you have been negative about who he or she is.
  5. Avoid negative nicknames.

Remember, it is never too late to start doing the right thing. A right relationship with your child can begin today.


Unconditional Acceptance


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