Don't Miss The Blessings

James 4:17Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.

As a father, it is important to not miss blessing your child. James tells us that if we know the right thing to do and fail to do it, it is sin. Where there is sin, there is destruction and death to the things that matter most. Failing to bless your child will have negative consequences for the rest of that child’s life. The blessing is something within your power, dad, to grant. Don’t sin by failing to bless him or her.When a child misses the dad's blessing, there is an empty spot, a vacuum, a vulnerability created within him or her. They often spend their lives seeking the approval of others. There is even a willingness among some, to compromise morally to get that affirmation. The blessing is sought with the wrong people and in the wrong places.The blessing brings a sense of confidence, security, and a feeling of self-worth. When the blessing is missed, there is an inner cry of your child: “Somebody please love me, accept me, let me know you are proud of me, tell me ‘I love you.’”

5 Truths for Not Missing the Blessing:

  1. If you have failed to bless your child, confess to God, “I have failed to bless my child, please help me to do that now.”
  2. Tell your child often, “I Love You,” even when they are grown.
  3. Tell your child, “I am so proud of you.” Affirm him or her.
  4. Ask your child’s forgiveness if you have failed to bless him or her.
  5. If you, dad, have missed your father’s blessing, seek out an older, godly man and ask him to bless you.

Dad, it is within your power and ability to give your child something he or she longs for, the blessing of God’s special future for him or her. Grant that blessing today.


The Blessings of God To His People


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